Hymn for the Australian church
Sung to: "St. Clement" by C C Scholefield 1839-1904.


The tinny you gave me, me old mate is drain-ed

me throat's as dry as an old nun's ***

I'm so bleeding thirsty I'd even drink Foster's

so chuck us a cold one, ya mean mongral git.


I took mass on Sunday with Fr O'Leary

by God, that guy, he can hold his port.

Just three at the service but he filled the chalice

and polished it off - what a wonderful sort!


But me and me granny - we said we'd have helped him

It did seem tough on the poor old bloke.

Well, blow me, if he didn't fill up another

We emptied the lot then sat down for a smoke.


Me granny, God bless 'er - she sure is some Sheila.

She'll drink most pommie blokes half to death.

A really good Catholic, as faithful as Mary.

It's not the girl's fault she's got lethal bad breath.


So Fr O'Leary, me granny and me -

we meet every day now for daily mass.

So nobody come but we three keep the faith well.

Who cares if we all end up flat on our a**!

©Pharisaios Australia 2002

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